Organ Transplant

Transplants are perhaps the most remarkable achievements of modern medicine. The miraculous recovery that a transplant can bring about in the life of a patient with organ failure is almost magical! However, transplants can only happen when organ donors and their families are willing to make this life saving gift to others.

A single donor, after brain death, can give life to several people and restore vision to two more. In India, huge numbers of patients with organ failure die awaiting transplants. Rarely does a family come forward to donate the organs of a brain dead relative.

What Is Organ Donation?

Organ donation usually means that if you die due to brain death, your healthy organs or tissues can be given to another patient suffering from organ failure and who is in need of an organ. It’s a gift that you make – at no pain or cost – to save the lives of many others!

Organs that can be donated after death include the liver, kidneys, heart and sometimes even lungs, pancreas and small intestine. Tissues such as skin, bone, heart valves and corneas can also be used to help others. You can even choose which organs you would like to donate.

Doctors and nurses are committed to doing everything possible to save life. Hence organ donation only takes place after a patient has died.

Tell your family what you want.

This is a very personal decision which ideally you should make yourself. Think about it and discuss your decision with those closest to you. This will help them to decide about organ donation should the time ever come. By signing a donor card you are expressing your wish that your organs may be used for transplantation to save the lives of others after your death.

Smt. Jayaben Mody Hospital
J.B. Mody Cancer Centre